giovedì 28 gennaio 2010

stick my world suport child ov babilon

presenta la mostra:
28 gennaio 2010 h.22
Il 28 gennaio in occasione dell'ultima data della 99 Posse al Circolo Arci Rising Love, inaugura la
collettiva di street art “Children ov Babilon”, 10 artisti campani hanno reinterpretato visivamente
i temi di alcune canzoni dei 99 Posse. Children ov Babilon fa riferimento, come il titolo di una
canzone dei 99, a Napoli: la città partenopea vista in quest'accezione come la più grande Babilonia
del mondo, dove il Kaos regola società e vita quotidiana. L'idea centrale del progetto è stata quella
di coinvolgere 10 artisti campani e metterli a confronto con l'influenza che i 99 Posse hanno avuto
sulla loro formazione individuale e sul percorso controculturale della città stessa. In mostra le opere
di: Davide Arpaius, Sara Lucrezi, Nocive Lab., El Monkei, Satta Prodz, Teso,
CherryBomb, 5perma, Cinaski, BioDpi.
La mostra è realizzata all'interno di AppARTe, l'appuntamento con le arti visive del Circolo Arci
Rising Love a cura di Silvia Bagnacani ed in collaborazione con l'Associazione Culturale Kamafà
ed in media partner con Next Exit, mensile sulla ceatività ed il lavoro. Si ringrazia per la preziosa e
fondamentale collaborazione Omino71, senza il quale l'evento non sarebbe stato possibile.
Le mostre al Rising Love sono visitabili durante i giorni di apertura del locale, sempre dal giovedì
al sabato dalle 21.30 alle 22.30 ed in occasione di speciali eventi live programmati durante la
settimana, di conseguenza per motivi di organizzazione, gli orari e i giorni potrebbero subire delle
variazioni, si prega quindi di verificare sempre telefonicamente al numero
+393487453555 o scrivere a
Per info:
Ufficio Stampa: Beatriz Gonzalez email: +393471761621

martedì 26 gennaio 2010

EikonprOJeKt @ RisingLove

EikonprOJeKt 4x3
Inserito originariamente da romephotoblog
Rising Love
via delle Conce 14
18 - 28 February
Opening 18 Feb at 9 pm

From February 18 to 28, Circolo Arci "Rising Love" in Rome will host "EikonprOJeKt" a collective project of putting sacred art on the streets, based on the street art installations “EIKONtheSTREET”. “EIKONtheSTREET” was born from the collaboration between two Roman street artists (Omino71 e Mr.Klevra), who reinterpreted traditional Byzantine iconography with a twist of "street art" and "neo pop" through different installations on the street (stickers, posters, murals). From this original idea, which at the moment can be seen in different installations in Italy and abroad, and thanks to the contribution of American photographer Jessica Stewart, EikonprOJeKt was created. This project takes the urban installations of Omino71 and Mr. Klevra and integrates them with the photography of Jessica Stewart, creating a continual, never-ending cycle of street art. The urban installations of poster art are photographed, the photographs are subsequently transformed into new posters depicting the original installation in its specific urban context, and these posters are then reinstalled out into the street, where they are then photographed again, ready to become posters in this creative cycle which transcends the territorials limits of street art, the traditional relationship between photography and street art, and the traditional use of Byzantine iconography.

A mix of original paintings and paintings created from photographs will be on display at Rising Love to show the various phases to the creative process, from the original designs, to the installation, to the photography. The process display how a courtyard in Garbatella can kind a home in a corner of the Monti neighborhood, which is then ready to be installed under a bridge in Testaccio, or a piazza in Teheran, maybe even a gallery in Boston....all without limits. During the opening event, Mr. Klevra and Omino71 will hold a live painting performance where the public will be ask to help them paint one of the posters from the EIKONtheSTREET project. During the course of the evening, photos of the project will be projected inside Rising Love and there will a catalogue, created by Jessica Stewart, presented. eikonprOJeKt at Rising Love follows exhibits in Bracciano in Jan 2010 (DDang Festival) and Tel Aviv in Nov 2010 (REUse Project 3) and is in anticipation of subsequent exhibitions throughout Italy. The exhibition will be broadcast virtually on the pages of

lunedì 25 gennaio 2010

By Recel?

By Recel?
Inserito originariamente da vitostreet

space invader in london

space invader in london
Inserito originariamente da ideacat

Madrid (Spain) Plant-a-Tree 002

same spot

same spot
Inserito originariamente da Ment GBS

EikonprOJeKt at Rising Love

EikonprOJeKt at Rising Love
Inserito originariamente da romephotoblog
Rising Love
via delle Conce 14
18 - 28 February
Opening 18 Feb at 9 pm

From February 18 to 28, Circolo Arci "Rising Love" in Rome will host "EikonprOJeKt" a collective project of putting sacred art on the streets, based on the street art installations “EIKONtheSTREET”. “EIKONtheSTREET” was born from the collaboration between two Roman street artists (Omino71 e Mr.Klevra), who reinterpreted traditional Byzantine iconography with a twist of "street art" and "neo pop" through different installations on the street (stickers, posters, murals). From this original idea, which at the moment can be seen in different installations in Italy and abroad, and thanks to the contribution of American photographer Jessica Stewart, EikonprOJeKt was created. This project takes the urban installations of Omino71 and Mr. Klevra and integrates them with the photography of Jessica Stewart, creating a continual, never-ending cycle of street art. The urban installations of poster art are photographed, the photographs are subsequently transformed into new posters depicting the original installation in its specific urban context, and these posters are then reinstalled out into the street, where they are then photographed again, ready to become posters in this creative cycle which transcends the territorials limits of street art, the traditional relationship between photography and street art, and the traditional use of Byzantine iconography.

A mix of original paintings and paintings created from photographs will be on display at Rising Love to show the various phases to the creative process, from the original designs, to the installation, to the photography. The process display how a courtyard in Garbatella can kind a home in a corner of the Monti neighborhood, which is then ready to be installed under a bridge in Testaccio, or a piazza in Teheran, maybe even a gallery in Boston....all without limits. During the opening event, Mr. Klevra and Omino71 will hold a live painting performance where the public will be ask to help them paint one of the posters from the EIKONtheSTREET project. During the course of the evening, photos of the project will be projected inside Rising Love and there will a catalogue, created by Jessica Stewart, presented. eikonprOJeKt at Rising Love follows exhibits in Bracciano in Jan 2010 (DDang Festival) and Tel Aviv in Nov 2010 (REUse Project 3) and is in anticipation of subsequent exhibitions throughout Italy. The exhibition will be broadcast virtually on the pages of

Special thanks to Krayon for the creation of this flyer.

Dal 18 al 28 febbraio il Circolo Arci “Rising Love” di Roma, ospita “EikonprOJeKt”, progetto itinerante a più mani di arte sacra su strada basato sulle installazioni di street art “EIKONtheSTREET”. “EIKONtheSTREET” nasce dall’incontro di due “street artist” romani (Omino71 e Mr.Klevra), che hanno reinterpretato in salsa “street art” e “neo pop” l’iconografia bizantina attraverso installazioni su strada a base di colla, sticker, poster e pittura muraria. Dall’idea originale – che al momento vede diverse installazioni in Italia e all’estero, nonché la partecipazione ad esposizioni collettive di arte urbana e a esibizioni di “live painting” – e grazie al contributo della fotografa statunitense Jessica Stewart nasce EikonprOJeKt, un progetto nella quale le installazioni urbane di Omino71 e Mr.Klevra interagiscono con la fotografia di Jessica Stewart trasformandosi, senza soluzione di continuità, in nuove forme di “street art”; le installazioni urbane di poster art vengono fotografate, le fotografie a loro volta vengono trasformate in nuovi poster raffiguranti l’installazione originaria nello specifico contesto urbano, i nuovi poster vengono quindi re-installati in luoghi diversi e una volta ri-fotografati diventano a loro volta nuovi poster pronti per la successiva installazione, in un “circolo virtuoso” volto a superare i limiti territoriali della “street art,” il rapporto tra fotografia e street art e il tradizionale utilizzo della “iconografia bizantina”. Per l’esposizione al Rising Love verranno presentate una serie di opere, tra dipinti originali e ritratti fotografici, raffiguranti l’opera originaria e alcune fasi del processo creativo, dalla realizzazione, all’installazione, alla fotografia, dove un cortile del Rione Garbatella trova spazio in un angolo del Rione Monti, pronto per essere installato sotto un ponte di Tel Aviv, passando per una piazza di Teheran, magari dopo una galleria di Boston per ritornare, perché no, su un muro capitolino... senza limiti. Durante la serata di inaugurazione Omino71 e Mr.Klevra si esibiranno in una performance di live painting durante la quale verrà dipinto dal vivo un poster della serie “EIKONtheSTREET”, durante la serata verrà anche chiesto al pubblico di partecipare al live painting insieme agli artisti presenti. Nel corso della serata proiezioni di foto del progetto su tre megaschermi e presentazione del catalogo “eikonprOJeKt” a cura di Jessica Stewart (RomePhotoBlog). La data romana di “eikonprOJeKt” al Rising Love segue a quelle di Bracciano del gennaio 2010 (DDang 2010) e di Tel Aviv (REUse Project3) e anticipa nuove prossime date su tutto il territorio italiano, alle quali si accompagnerà la mostra virtuale permanente sulle pagine di LASCIAILSEGNO.IT.

Grazie mille a Krayon per il volantino!

Doid VS Spider

Doid VS Spider
Inserito originariamente da blip .

Gramado - Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil .....Drao's trip

Guerrilla lover

Guerrilla lover
Inserito originariamente da GoLd***

Los Héroes / Torre Entel

Los Héroes / Torre Entel
Inserito originariamente da SPIA ONER

Inserito originariamente da The Green Hornet


Inserito originariamente da c c c

Roma '10

Roma '10
Inserito originariamente da biodpi

Hungarian Parliament, Budapest

giovedì 21 gennaio 2010

Kuma Horfée Cli Miss17

Kuma Horfée Cli Miss17
Inserito originariamente da lepublicnme

FINO AL 20 FEBBRAIO - eikonthestreet @ Arte Sagra - MondoPopGallery -Roma

Fino al 20 febbraio
eikonthestreet @ Arte Sagra - MondoPopGallery - Roma
collective expo ARTE SAGRA @ MONDOPOPGALLERY Roma (Italy)

stick my world support Country Art Project

stick my world support Country Art Project
Do you want to take part in the Country Arts Project?

Conditions are:
Your Artwork should show a person and should be maximum size 1,5 x1,5 meters.
We prefer posters but you can also send cardboards, stickers or
other materials.
If you want to send something, just write an email to or write a short mail to our flickr account
and you will recieve an address tosend your artwork to.

As Urban Art or Street Art appears in the cities and suburbs and is part of our
everyday life., The countryside remains untouched by the activities of public artists.
So we started this project to expand these activities to the villages.
Therefore we will collect your artworks to place them permanently in new
surroundings, so this will not be a Free Art Exhibition.
Pictures will be published on the internet and a short film will be made to show
where and how your art is exhibited in the country.

Any questions?
Do you want to participate?
Just join the group and write a flickrmail ;-)


Inserito originariamente da Walls of Milano


Inserito originariamente da sparla

mercoledì 20 gennaio 2010


Inserito originariamente da MACNAVEL
ikonthestreet poster @ trasteve roma
photo by MACNAVEL


Inserito originariamente da MACNAVEL

newsfeed by Villlas

Inserito originariamente da VILLAS -
this week is beeing full of nice surprises... "my little playground" project was published at some of most importants web/magazines and I fell really happy for that!
Huge thanks for all the friends for the support!
wooster collective, Juxtapoz magazine, Stick my world, Ilicid Exhibitions, Inspire collective, Upper Playground, BCN Style and more...

Artist Valentine's Card to Childeren's Hospitals @ Juxtapoz

On February 6th, 2010 Crewest Gallery will be delivering over 1,000 Valentines Day cards created and donated by 150+ artists from all over the world to the patients at The Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, The Children’s Hospital in Orange County and the Youth at LA Youth Network and possibly even more.

It all started over a month ago when Crewest Gallery sent out a “Huge Call to Artists” asking artists to participate in a Valentine’s Day Card Exchange for the patients at the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. Artists were asked to create, design and sign cards then send their cards to Crewest gallery. The expressed goal of the Valentine’s Day Card Exchange was to be able to provide at least 1 card per patient at the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles (approx. 320 patients).

Through networking, the “Huge Call to Artists” was received by many including Ovation T.V., Art Slant,, etc. who posted Crewest’s call to artists on their sites. These sites helped greatly in spreading the word. Crewest gallery received an enormous response from artists from all over the world wanting to participate and who were all excited to show love to the kids. For some artists the Valentine’s Day Card Exchange hit home because they have once been a patient at the Children’s Hospital, they have a child who is suffering from an illness or they have kids and they can genuinely understand the benefits to showing love to the kids.

Due to the high volume of responses from artists and the number of cards to be submitted, Crewest is happy to announce that the gift of giving Art and Love through a Valentine’s day Card was able to be extended and will be received by not only the patients at The Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles but also to the patients at The Children’s Hospital in Orange County and the Youth at LA Youth Network and possibly even more.

Participating Artists:
3 Sheets
Martha Figueroa
above Lok
Feed A Model
Max Neutra
Albert Ramirez III
Maya Kalabic
alfie numeric
Genie Melisande
Meex One
Alonys Art
Gerald Emerick
Alyson Iwamoto
Ghost One
Michael Hsiung
Andre Miripolsky
Gigi tarantola
Michael Pizarro
Andrea Valverde
Greg Dorosh
Michelle Wehmer
Angela Kinley
Haikuhie T.
Mickey Schlick
Apple Price
Hershey Moreno
Ashira Siegel
Miki Lorena K.
Ashly Wade
Hi Chung Curranin
Miles Grobman
Modern Day Monster
Bernie Noga
Mr Say
BLEN 167
Ivan Meneses
Jania Vanderwerff
Nancy Uyemura
Brian Bettencourt
Janice Polzin
New Colony
Jeanette Diefenbaugh
Nicole Kaspereen
Jennifer Ann Ogren Nguyen
Norma Jean
Jenny Dale
Chris Ortiz
Jesse Elias
Oso (5150 Tattoos)
Clark North
Jessica Spencer
Clint Wilson
Jessica Ward
Penny Raile
Craig Sibley
Crystal Andres (One Nation Hip Hop)
Jim Perry
Damian Casillas
Jon Hoffman
Primrose Press
Dan Joyce
Jose M. Loza
Rayian Alegre
Dan Ruhrmanty
Junebug Designs
Raymond Hernandez
Dan Springer
Karen Ivette Zaldaña.
Rebornz Art/ Randy De Leon
Daniel Rios
Karla Kavi Avila
Rex H. Dominguez
Darrell "Mr.Ordo" Jackson
Karla Usagi
Rhonda Anjelly
Dawn Burns
Robert "rElAx" Reiling
Kat Ruhl
Robin Monique Rios
Debbie De La Cruz
Katherine Wilson
Diane Perry
Kelly Croisdale
Rosie Hardaker
Donald Bramlett
Kelly Thompson
Ruthie Pie
Donna Riviere
Kelsoe LA
Sadie Kennedy
Keri Nurge
Sandra Gilmore
Dril One
Kim Leerdam
Sandy Uribe
Sarah Raskey
Kristina Buckley
Scott Palmer
Ed Curran
Kyle Morales
Lacye A. Brown
Edwin Ortega
Laura Lamarque
Elaine Torres
Lawrence White
Ellis G. Perl
Sophia Gasparian
Leticia Maldonado
Stacy Wilson (Nubian Painter)
Enik One
lili cuzor
Steve Delgado
Lucky Bunny
Stuart Harrison
Eric Roth
Ludger Krane
Susan Duda
Erica Durante
Luise Andersen
The Messenger
Tia Stark
Erin Reynolds
Man One
Travis Moore
Ernesto Vazquez
Marcus Gray
Two Rabbits Studios
Maria Rosa
Everett Ching
Maribel Reveles (patchouli nomad)
Valerie Gudell
Wendy White
and more…

For further info contact: Luna George 818-235-4598

110 Winston St. Los Angeles, CA 90013
ph | 213-627-8272

GUARDA IL VIDEO - Fino al 24 gennaio - EikonProjekt at DDang2010 - video by jessica stewart

Vienna, Austria

Vienna, Austria
Inserito originariamente da SKAM sticker


Inserito originariamente da drooeeck

on the streets of amsterdam

on the streets of amsterdam
Inserito originariamente da andres musta

lunedì 18 gennaio 2010

stickering in roma (omino71 in action)


Inserito originariamente da diЯz prOpaganda.

ENGLISHSTICK SOLDIERS is the name of the exhibition that payments take on two different occasions and places on the island of Mallorca (Spain), through which it seeks to demonstrate to people the high value of a piece of paper both small and large number of characters or phrases that emerge from these adhesives.First exhibition take the museum of modern and contemporary art "Es Baluard", forming part of the workshop "HYPER-ARXIUS" (youth project coordinated by Jordi Pallarès), which will open and will be announced on 6 February. Days 6, 13 and 20 from 11h to 14h will open the museum with the exhibition. During the first days of the exhibition, taught a course run for the public (from 12), where we will talk about the Street Art movement and especially of the Stick Art. Will also build their own adhesives, thus promoting their use. The second is where mobile payments take in a tent will be at different places of the city's downtown, outdoors. This will be realized in March and the payments take an opportunity to those who were not had time to send your stickers to the first.We Will receive letters with stickers of artists from around the world, we exhibit it.To send your stickers please send a letter (Dídac for the name if it will be certificated mail) with your details:- Artistic Name- Your Origin- Time you have been doing stickers (optional)- Your Webpage (Optional)- Answer the question: "What is a sticker for you?" NOTE: Can not send repeated adhesives, in the case of receive, they are not displayed in the exhibition.You can submit your work to: Apartat de Correus 172 C.P 07080, Palma, MallorcaIlles BalearsSPAINAny questions:exposticksoldiers@gmail.comFinal date collection of works for the first exhibition: 06/02/2010Final date collection of works for the second exposure: For concrete.


Inserito originariamente da MUESTRO MI CIUDAD
Street sticker ......
Combos around of guadalajara jalisco
send your pack now.....
the address is



Inserito originariamente da jeremyDP

Ana Clara, a vandala!

Ana Clara, a vandala!
Inserito originariamente da . h a r r y .

coming from the cold